Torben Vad

Torben Vad
Torben Vad
Global Technical Director
Silkeborg, Denmark

Torben currently serves as Global Technical Director out of the Silkeborg office where he focuses on assessing large and complicated cases as well as coaching, guiding and developing new talent.

What is the most rewarding part of your job?
Fortunately, there are many rewarding aspects of my job. Seeing and participating in bringing companies, enterprises and people back to pre-loss condition after a loss has impacted them – that is incredibly rewarding. Even to this very day after having worked on so many projects over the years, I love the challenge that is unique to every new case I see and the feeling of helping to solve our clients’ problems. I enjoy searching for and finding people to bring in and join the AREPA family. I am fortunate to work with a great and skillful global team. Seeing our employees grow their talents and take on additional responsibility in our organization is a rewarding feeling. When a client requests an employee by name – that is a proud moment for me – that is how I know that not only has our employee succeeded, but we as an organization responsible for mentoring our employees have also succeeded.

What do you enjoy doing when you’re not working?
Everything involving my family including my children and grandchildren, as well as my friends. My other hobbies include my beach house, kayaking, watching my football and handball teams, good food, gardening and nature.

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