
For many business owners who experience a property loss, one of the last things they may think as they contact their insurer or risk manager is that in addition to available full-scale equipment restoration options, their choice to return equipment to pre-loss condition through scientific equipment recovery may yield reinstatement of previous warranties or creation of a new warranty.

Professional equipment restoration companies provide warranties, in addition to those provided by the Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) that back the cleanliness of the equipment following the decontamination process. As part of AREPA's comprehensive turn-key equipment restoration solution, we are pleased to provide a cleanliness warranty for a period of one year or longer. Depending on the industry and type of equipment impacted, the warranty can be tailored to include a preventative maintenance program that adheres to the original equipment manufacturers (OEM's) recommended preventative maintenance schedule.

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Her holder vi til

AREPAs merkevare ble etablert i Silkeborg, Danmark, for nesten 40 år siden, med virksomhet i Nederland, Sverige og Storbritannia. Kjøpt opp av Envista Forensics i 2017, en global leder innen rettsmedisinsk rådgivning, ble AREPAs europeiske operasjoner kombinert med Envistas velkjente linje for utstyrsrestaurering, TekPro Global, i Nord-Amerika. Samlet sett har AREPA en av de største og mest erfarne teamene av restaureringsspesialister i bransjen.

"It has been a great experience and pleasure working with the AREPA team. The activities performed by AREPA assisted the Honda Engine Plant in resuming a normal production environment quickly and to plan. I would recommend them to any Company that requires some form of recovery assistance."
Andrew Silver, Engine Plant Manager, Honda

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