Klientsupport tjenester

Replacing equipment contaminated by water, smoke or other chemicals can be extremely costly.

While many manufacturers may tell business owners that any equipment exposed to contaminants must be fully replaced, this is simply not the case. Today more and more equipment manufacturers acknowledge that the loss of business critical equipment can catastrophically impact operations, productivity and earnings, and are now endorsing reputable, scientific equipment reconditioning and repair techniques.

AREPA provides a comprehensive turn-key solution as part of every restoration project. We not only professionally decontaminate the equipment, but our staff also project manages all aspects of the remaining recovery process. AREPA's project managers have decades of experience restoring electrical, manufacturing, medical and analytical, computer network hardware, as well as vital equipment and systems relied upon by the energy, marine and transportation industries.

A pertinent part of the recovery process includes coordinating with our client's vendors or qualifying third party vendors that can thoroughly test, repair, and calibrate the restored equipment. AREPA also reviews repair / replacement costs, and provides written status updates to all parties involved.

AREPA's project managers are backed by electrical and/or mechanical engineers that peer review the decontamination processes being deployed, monitor all repairs, and assist in the overall progression of the project to ensure that business interruption is minimized.

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Hva gjør vi

Her holder vi til

AREPAs merkevare ble etablert i Silkeborg, Danmark, for nesten 40 år siden, med virksomhet i Nederland, Sverige og Storbritannia. Kjøpt opp av Envista Forensics i 2017, en global leder innen rettsmedisinsk rådgivning, ble AREPAs europeiske operasjoner kombinert med Envistas velkjente linje for utstyrsrestaurering, TekPro Global, i Nord-Amerika. Samlet sett har AREPA en av de største og mest erfarne teamene av restaureringsspesialister i bransjen.

"It has been a great experience and pleasure working with the AREPA team. The activities performed by AREPA assisted the Honda Engine Plant in resuming a normal production environment quickly and to plan. I would recommend them to any Company that requires some form of recovery assistance."
Andrew Silver, Engine Plant Manager, Honda

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