Renhetstesting på labaratoriet

Clean Lab Testing Web
Following a fire, dust particulate can be confused for smoke soot and silt.

Conducting a prompt scientific soot, silt and smoke damage analysis on the equipment ensures that only those items exhibiting potentially harmful corrosive contamination will be decontaminated and restored.

Following damages to a company’s critical equipment and systems, stakeholders need to rely on a team of technical experts who are committed to the full restoration and recovery of all impacted machines. To ensure full recovery of the damaged equipment, it is critically important that all the potentially affected items are properly inspected to gain an understanding of what equipment is showing effects of contamination, what pieces may have been spared, the overall levels of contamination, as well as any industry or manufacturer cleanliness standards that the recovery process will have to adhere to.

AREPA utilizes laboratories around the globe for contamination analysis and our team of dedicated project managers work with clients to communicate the results so that necessary steps are taken to proceed with restoration, repair & recertification or in some cases where contamination is substantial, to fully replace the equipment.

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AREPAs merkevare ble etablert i Silkeborg, Danmark, for nesten 40 år siden, med virksomhet i Nederland, Sverige og Storbritannia. Kjøpt opp av Envista Forensics i 2017, en global leder innen rettsmedisinsk rådgivning, ble AREPAs europeiske operasjoner kombinert med Envistas velkjente linje for utstyrsrestaurering, TekPro Global, i Nord-Amerika. Samlet sett har AREPA en av de største og mest erfarne teamene av restaureringsspesialister i bransjen.

"It has been a great experience and pleasure working with the AREPA team. The activities performed by AREPA assisted the Honda Engine Plant in resuming a normal production environment quickly and to plan. I would recommend them to any Company that requires some form of recovery assistance."
Andrew Silver, Engine Plant Manager, Honda

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