Rensing/rengjøring av utstyr

Decontamination Web
A typical fire results in the creation of over 1,000 poisonous and corrosive gases.

After fires or water damage, chemicals deposited on equipment can adversely affect electrical, electronic and mechanical components and equipment. The effects of chemical contamination can vary widely, depending on the type of chemical or contaminant present, the amount or concentration of each respective contaminant, the environmental conditions present at the loss location, the equipment type, as well as the materials used in the construction of the equipment.

Restoring Confidence in Your Equipment

AREPA equipment specialists are committed to effectively bringing business critical equipment back into production as soon as possible after a loss. Since each assignment is different, and no single piece of equipment reacts in the same way to fire or water contaminants, our team works with all stakeholders to develop a customized recovery plan so that business resumes quickly and cost effectively.  We restore certainty for businesses.

AREPA can decontaminate equipment after incidents such as:

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Hva gjør vi

Her holder vi til

AREPAs merkevare ble etablert i Silkeborg, Danmark, for nesten 40 år siden, med virksomhet i Nederland, Sverige og Storbritannia. Kjøpt opp av Envista Forensics i 2017, en global leder innen rettsmedisinsk rådgivning, ble AREPAs europeiske operasjoner kombinert med Envistas velkjente linje for utstyrsrestaurering, TekPro Global, i Nord-Amerika. Samlet sett har AREPA en av de største og mest erfarne teamene av restaureringsspesialister i bransjen.

"It has been a great experience and pleasure working with the AREPA team. The activities performed by AREPA assisted the Honda Engine Plant in resuming a normal production environment quickly and to plan. I would recommend them to any Company that requires some form of recovery assistance."
Andrew Silver, Engine Plant Manager, Honda

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